Journal article  Open Access

Cold and trapped metastable noble gases

Vassen Wim, Cohen-Tannoudji Claude, Leduc Michele, Boiron Denis, Westbrook Christoph I., Truscott Andrew, Baldwin Ken, Birkl Gerhard, Cancio Pablo, Trippenbach Marek

atomic collisions  [PHYS.PHYS.PHYS-ATOM-PH]Physics [physics]/Physics [physics]/Atomic Physics [physics.atom-ph]  FINE-STRUCTURE INTERVAL  Metastable atoms  ULTRACOLD IONIZING COLLISIONS  laser cooling  [PHYS.QPHY]Physics [physics]/Quantum Physics [quant-ph]  Quantum Physics  Quantum Physics (quant-ph)  FOS: Physical sciences  BOSE-EINSTEIN CONDENSATION  03.75.-b  General Physics and Astronomy  atomic lifetimes  Atomic Physics (physics.atom-ph)  NEON ATOMIC-BEAM  atom optics  POLARIZED TRIPLET HELIUM  Physics - Atomic Physics  Bose-Einstein condensation  atomic spectroscopy 

Experimental work on cold, trapped metastable noble gases is reviewed. The aspects which distinguish work with these atoms from the large body of work on cold, trapped atoms in general is emphasized. These aspects include detection techniques and collision processes unique to metastable atoms. Several experiments exploiting these unique features in fields including atom optics and statistical physics are described. Precision measurements on these atoms including fine structure splittings, isotope shifts, and atomic lifetimes are also discussed.

Source: Reviews of modern physics 84 (2012): 175–210. doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.84.175

Publisher: American Physical Society,, Minneapolis , Stati Uniti d'America

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Since the observation of BEC, the ability to coherently outcouple atoms to form a coherent beam of matter waves, or \atom laser" (Mewes et al., 1997) has attracted much attention, in part because of its potential applications in atom interferometry. Coherent matter wave optics is reviewed in Bongs and Sengstock (2004).


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BibTeX entry
	title = {Cold and trapped metastable noble gases},
	author = {Vassen Wim and Cohen-Tannoudji Claude and Leduc Michele and Boiron Denis and Westbrook Christoph I. and Truscott Andrew and Baldwin Ken and Birkl Gerhard and Cancio Pablo and Trippenbach Marek},
	publisher = {American Physical Society,, Minneapolis , Stati Uniti d'America},
	doi = {10.1103/revmodphys.84.175 and 10.48550/arxiv.1110.1361},
	journal = {Reviews of modern physics},
	volume = {84},
	pages = {175–210},
	year = {2012}