Journal article  Open Access

Resting electrical network activity in traps of the aquatic carnivorous plants of the genera Aldrovanda and Utricularia

Masi Elisa, Ciszak Marzena, Colzi Ilaria, Adamec Lubomir, Mancuso Stefano

Lamiales  Droseraceae  Article  lobes  ion  vesiculosa  Action Potentials  signals  electrophysiology  multielectrode array  action-potentials  mechanosm  dionaea-muscipula ellis  aquatic carnivorous plants  Multidisciplinary 

In this study the MEA (multielectrode array) system was used to record electrical responses of intact and halved traps, and other trap-free tissues of two aquatic carnivorous plants, Aldrovanda vesiculosa and Utricularia reflexa. They exhibit rapid trap movements and their traps contain numerous glands. Spontaneous generation of spikes with quite uniform shape, propagating across the recording area, has been observed for all types of sample. In the analysis of the electrical network, higher richer synchronous activity was observed relative to other plant species and organs previously described in the literature: indeed, the time intervals between the synchronized clusters (the inter-spike intervals) create organized patterns and the propagation times vary non-linearly with the distance due to this synchronization. Interestingly, more complex electrical activity was found in traps than in trap-free organs, supporting the hypothesis that the nature of the electrical activity may reflect the anatomical and functional complexity of different organs. Finally, the electrical activity of functionally different traps of Aldrovanda (snapping traps) and Utricularia (suction traps) was compared and some differences in the features of signal propagation were found. According to these results, a possible use of the MEA system for the study of different trap closure mechanisms is proposed.

Source: Scientific reports (Nature Publishing Group) 6 (2016): 24989–24989. doi:10.1038/srep24989

Publisher: Nature Publishing Group, London , Regno Unito

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Resting electrical network activity in traps of the aquatic carnivorous plants of the genera Aldrovanda and Utricularia},
	author = {Masi Elisa and Ciszak Marzena and Colzi Ilaria and Adamec Lubomir and Mancuso Stefano},
	publisher = {Nature Publishing Group, London , Regno Unito},
	doi = {10.1038/srep24989},
	journal = {Scientific reports (Nature Publishing Group)},
	volume = {6},
	pages = {24989–24989},
	year = {2016}